How can we help You?

We offer you a flexible study programme to suit your own requirements. If you are an absolute beginner you have the choice of low-cost afternoon, evening, weekend or intensive (full-time) training. You also have the option to combine with more advanced courses, saving yourself time and money.

What are your individual needs and circumstances? Do you have time on your hands - or are you in a demanding job? Do you have a natural gift, or do you need to learn the skills? You may be a bodywork professional seeking an add-on to enhance your basic therapy - or are you an absolute beginner? Is your aim to become a qualified Practitioner? or simply to learn enough to treat family and friends? Or to meet like-minded people and enjoy learning together?

Just one thing makes you the same as any other student: the knowledge that you are unique. You choose the course to suit your particular needs.

Depending on your resources, you can complete the training in under two years, or spend three or four. Courses - except the intensive ones - are both cyclical and modular, so you can start any time and, if you miss a session, easily catch up later.

You learn by discovery, finding the answers for yourself, owning your knowledge rather than being handed the tutor’s to memorise and recite. By professional assessment time you have absorbed the learning into the cells of your bodymind and perhaps begun to develop true understanding.

Our School is affiliated to the Institute of Complementary Medicine and fulfils practitioner qualification requirements of the Guild of Complementary Practitioners and the various Shiatsu organisations.

We welcome students from all nations, races and beliefs. The Zen approach to Shiatsu has no religious affiliation.

Let’s work with open heart, clear mind, good intention, real awareness, intuition, sensitivity -

truth, simplicity and LOVE. Enjoy!